Wedding Cake Alternatives

Because let’s face it, not everyone wants to stick with the same white-tiered cake with the little bride and groom on top.

So, without further ado, here are some yummy and unique ideas for alternative wedding desserts:

  • Doughnut wall - Picture this: a wall filled with delicious doughnuts in all flavors and sizes. Not only is this fun but it looks nice and your guests will be drooling over this dessert display.

  • Cheese wheel tower - This one’s for all the cheese lovers out there. Instead of a cake, stack different types of cheese wheels on top of each other to create a savory tower. Add some grapes, crackers, and wine, and you’ve got yourself a wedding feast fit for a king (or queen)!

  • Ice cream sundae bar - Everyone loves ice cream, right? Set up a DIY ice cream sundae bar with all the toppings you can think of. Chocolate sauce, sprinkles, gummy bears – the sky's the limit! Bonus points if you add a little bit of booze to the mix.

  • Piñata cake - This one’s for the fun-loving couples. Imagine a cake shaped like a piñata, filled with candy and treats. When it’s time to cut the cake, your guests can take turns smashing it open and filling their pockets with goodies. It’s like a party within a party!

  • Cheesecake - You can go for the traditional New York-style cheesecake, or you can mix things up with different flavours like strawberry, or even your favourite chocolate bars… mhmmm

    Which one is your favorite? Personally, I would have them all if I could…

In any case, don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to your wedding day. Your dessert should be as unique as you!


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